
The Spheres Of Islam, Iman, Ihsan & Irfan


Book Author: Habib Abd al-Rahman Balfaqih
Date of Publication: 2015

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SKU: 978-0620640459 Categories: ,

Imam al-Haddad described his student, Habib Abd al-Rahman Balfaqih, as “the greatest scholar on the earth.” In this book, Habib Abd al-Rahman describes the religion of Islam as consisting of spheres that are always expanding. He shows the seeker how to grow until he or she reaches the highest spiritual station. The book contains endless meanings and has been described as lofty and unique.

Book Author: Habib Abd al-Rahman Balfaqih
Translator: Jawad Bagha
Publisher: Dar al-Turath al-Islami
Date of Publication: 2015
ISBN: 978-0620640459

Weight0.12 kg
Dimensions22 × 15 × 0.7 cm
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